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Travel Information
Carolin Lowry
The Manor House
Black and White Visitor Centre
East St.
Kington Tourist Information Centre
Tel. .
Open: April-end Oct, 10am-1pm and 2-5pm.
Leominster Tourist Information Centre
Open: Easter-end Sep, Mon-Fri, 9.30am-5pm; Sat from 9am-5pm; Oct-Easter, Mon-Sat, 9.30am-4pm
Leominster Folk Museum
Open: April-Oct, Mon-Fri, 10.30am-4pm; St, 10.30am-2pm; in winter, Mon-Fri, 11am-4pm
Hergest Croft Gardens
Website: Hergest Croft Gardens
Open: weekends in March, 12.30-5pm; daily from April-end Oct, until 6pm in May and June.
Tearoom, gift shop, plant sales
Black and White Trail
Black and White Villages Cycle Ride
Historic Herefordshire online
B&W B&Bs
B&W Hotels
Modern Timber Frame
National Trust
Building conservation
Oak-frame builders
Timber-frame builders
Oak repairs
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Old houses in Wales
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