Creative Heritage - oak frame design and conservation

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Travel Information
Carolin Lowry
The Manor House


Black and White Visitor Centre
East St.


Kington Tourist Information Centre

Tel. .
Open: April-end Oct, 10am-1pm and 2-5pm.

Leominster Tourist Information Centre

Open: Easter-end Sep, Mon-Fri, 9.30am-5pm; Sat from 9am-5pm; Oct-Easter, Mon-Sat, 9.30am-4pm

Leominster Folk Museum

Open: April-Oct, Mon-Fri, 10.30am-4pm; St, 10.30am-2pm; in winter, Mon-Fri, 11am-4pm

Hergest Croft Gardens

Website: Hergest Croft Gardens
Open: weekends in March, 12.30-5pm; daily from April-end Oct, until 6pm in May and June.
Tearoom, gift shop, plant sales

Black and White Trail

Black and White Villages Cycle Ride

Historic Herefordshire online

B&W B&Bs

B&W Hotels

Modern Timber Frame

National Trust

Building conservation

Oak-frame builders

Timber-frame builders

Oak repairs

Estate Agents

Wood craftsmen and women

Houses For Sale

Old houses in Wales

Book Publishing Services

Small Business Directory
We are listed in the UK
Small Business Directory

Oak-framed buildings

This is a central resource on timber-framed buildings, from 14th century 'black and white' houses, to modern self-build, timber-frame houses. All links in our links page are free. If anyone connected with this subject wishes to advertise here, we are happy to oblige. Please contact us for details of advertising rates including banner ads. Whatever you or your company does, whether to listed buildings or manufacture of onsite assembled, modern timber-framed homes, we want to hear from you, and you will want to have a presence here, the definitive home for timber frame buildings on the net.

If you run an hotel or a B&B in a black and white building, we definitely want to hear from you. Many of our overseas visitors will be looking for information prior to a visit, and what better place to advertise your business set as it is in a historical timber-frame building which they are keen to experience first hand.

Broadfield Court, Herefordshire, barn roof detail

Across the river another black and white house sits quietly watching time go by

This black and white timber-framed house in Eardisland is threatened with foliage

A cat sits quietly in the window of a timber frame house in Pembridge

Black and white houses in Herefordshire



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